Member Education Sessions: Indigenous Data Sovereignty & Beyond thumbnail

Member Education Sessions: Indigenous Data Sovereignty & Beyond

Event Description

Data makes the world go round! In the philanthropic sector, data drives where money is placed. However, for Indigenous peoples and communities, data is a complicated and nuanced topic. From erasure to mismanagement to data being used as a weapon, there are countless reasons why leaders in the sector are advocating for Indigenous Data Sovereignty through ethical data practices, cyber sovereignty, and more. Our moderator, Stephine “Steph” Poston, M.A. (Pueblo of Sandia), and Indigenous changemakers, Carly Bad Heart Bull (Dakota/Muscogee), Mahrinah Shije (Tewa/T’siyameh), and Kimball Sekaquaptewa (Hopi) discuss how philanthropy can work differently to not only better support the exercising of Indigenous Data Sovereignty, but also uplift the vital infrastructure and policy reform needed for sustainable practices.

Watch the broadcast now on NAP’s YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe to the NAP YouTube channel for more informative and important resources on Native communities.

About Our Speakers


Carly Bad Heart Bull (Dakota/Muscogee) (she/her)

Executive Director, Native Ways Federation

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Mahrinah Shije (Tewa/T’siyameh) (she/her)

Founding General Partner, Endemic Venture Capital

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Kimball Sekaquaptewa (Hopi) (she/her)

Chief Technology Director and Tribal Broadband Connectivity Project Director, Santa Fe Indian School

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NAP Opening Representative

Winoka Yepa (she/her/asdzaan)

Chief Technology Director and Tribal Broadband Connectivity Project Director, Santa Fe Indian School

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Stephine "Steph" Poston, M.A. (Pueblo of Sandia) (she/her)

President & CEO, Poston & Associates, LLC

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Coming Soon 

We will soon welcome you to submit your event to be featured on our Events page. Whether it's a cultural gathering, educational seminar, or philanthropic initiative, your event plays a crucial role in fostering greater visibility and representation for Native communities in the philanthropic sector. Stay tuned!